La Regadera is a series of cultural activities by Medialab-Prado for children from 0 to 5 years of age and their families. Its aim is to generate spaces for meeting and spontaneous play through objects and areas of experimentation. Sara San Gregorio, director of the program, contacted us for the production of the November 2019 edition. Finally we decided to work on the visuals by means of digital processes through light and color, photomontage and projection, as well as image capture and remixing.
Under the name of "Playing with visuals" we created three different game spaces to generate a friendly and experimental game environment: a video mapping installation on the Maloka structure (previously built by Sara), a chroma key area on the floor and another area with light boxes for audiovisual mixing via webcams.

Watch here a video with more information about the process (Spanish). Video edited by our new member Tiffany Mi ❤️